Graduate and
Postgraduate Teaching

The School of Medicine of the Favaloro University was conceived with the idea to plan a medical career taking into account not only the classical curricular subjects, but also those tending to produce a physician whose concept of professional excellence rests on the appropriate use of decision-making criteria based on ethical, scientific and human grounds. A physician not confusing professional excellence with technological sophistication or bibliographic encyclopedism. A physician with good knowledge of the social and sanitary reality of the country to which he or she belongs, and able to adapt to it and improve it. A physician prioritizing the ethical principles and able to achieve the delicate equilibrium of restlessly fighting against disease without subduing the autonomy of the patient for whom he or she fights. A physician trained in diagnostic and therapeutic skills and permanently encouraged to improve them through the practice of an ethically and methodologically impeccable clinical research. A physician able to prize the unrewarding but fundamental duty of preventing diseases, and who can resist dazzling himself with diagnostic shrewdness or therapeutic skills used to treat disease. A physician whose scientific strictness does not attenuate his human warmth and whose unusual kindness does not mask an undesirable precariousness.

Today, the Favaloro University houses the School of Medicine, which runs four graduate programs: Medicine (since 1993), Kinesiology and Physiatrics (since 2000), Psychology (since 2005) and Nursing (since 2005); and a School of Engineering, running three graduate programs (since 1999): Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics Engineering, and Information Technology Engineering. It also offers 6 masters, 11 postgraduate programs, and 24 courses.

Its creed is based on the following principles:

  • Assistance without research is condemning the patient to a medicine which does not move with the times;
  • Research without the scientific rigor warranted by basic science is seldom research, but an adventure with no guidelines, and most of the times incompatible with ethics.
  • Research without education not only betrays the essence of the creative act but also denies the future generations the possibility of realizing their own creative potential.

At the ICYCC more than more than 500 cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons from all over Latin America have been trained in Favaloro’s belief that ” a true university graduate is not only a good professional in his/her daily duties but also someone who has a commitment with society”.


Continuing Education

This is one of the main goals of the Favaloro Foundation. Besides graduate and postgraduate courses, it offers weekly scientific meetings, fellowships in clinical cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, interventional cardiology, echocardiography, electrophisiology, hepatology, nephrology, infection control, intensive care, transplantation, nuclear cardiology, etc., and other scientific meetings, among which we can mention “Cardiology for the Consultant”. These activities are organized by the Department of Teaching and Research of the ICYCC together with the Favaloro University.